Practical Project Management with Microsoft Project Updated for 2021

By Bonnie Biafore and John Riopel

book cover

Learn how to manage projects of any size with Microsoft Project. Whether you’re new to Project management and Microsoft Project, or looking to expand your skills, this clear and engaging book guides you through Project’s features step by step. You can jump directly to the topics you need. Or download sample files from the book’s website to follow along to build a task list and resource team, develop and fine-tune your schedule, and monitor and correct performance. This book shows you how to make the most of Project’s tools, so you can master Project and the projects you manage with it.

  • Learn Project basics. Follow the step-by-step instructions whether you use Project Standard or Professional.
  • Build your schedule and team. Develop your task list and assemble your team. Assign resources to tasks to build your project schedule.
  • Fine-tune your schedule. Make your schedule realistic and modify it to deliver on time and within budget.
  • Track and manage progress. Enter actual values, evaluate performance, correct course, and manage changes.
  • Customize Project Features. Make Project work the way you want. Develop your own views, tables, fields, filters, and groups. Customize the ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar.
  • Work with Multiple Projects. Use master projects to manage several projects.  Learn how Project Server or Project Online help manage project portfolios.
Bonnie Biafore’s “Practical Project Management with Microsoft Project 2016” beautifully and fully explores the breadth and depth of Microsoft Project.  Bonnie takes a sensible approach to a difficult program and the result is project and process clarity. I now include it in my desktop reference library. Well done Bonnie!
Sam Huffman

Author, Microsoft Project Do's and Don'ts

Ready to Master Microsoft Project?

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As you read through this book, you’ll find references to samples files that you can use to follow the steps in the book. To download these files, just enter your name and email for access.